Hi everyone! Thanks for subscribing (or staying subscribed) to our newsletter! At long last we are ready to share our plans for the season.
For those who are used to finding us at the downtown market (formerly Street Stall Saturdays, now Gather), it is unfortunately not opening until our final weekend this year so we're trying some new locations.
While our schedule is subject to change, here's what is currently planned:
Week of May 6-13 - sales ONLY through our online store. This will be the only week of the season that we will offer delivery. Watch for a sweet promo for those who order this week!
Saturday May 20 - in front of Prairie Home and Garden Supply on 34th St. Buy all your plants and garden supplies in one handy location on the long weekend!
Saturdays May 27, June 3, June 10 - pop up shop on Broadway Avenue in front of Victoria School! We will likely be joined by A Prairie Bouquet on one of these Saturdays.
Thursdays May 25 and June 1 - new midweek markets for us! We will be at the Warman Farmers' Market these days.
Saturday June 17 - We'll be downtown for the opening day of Gather's outdoor farmers' market.
Orders made through our online shop can be picked up at these locations, or an alternate location in Saskatoon or Martensville if needed.
We will not be selling at The Little Market Box or SaskMade Marketplace this year - we love these shops but we're too busy with our little ones at home now to be regularly swapping out plants at consignment locations. Thanks to all who supported us through these locations in the past!
We look forward to seeing you at our booth sometime this season!